Cannot download pvt decks

Cannot download pvt decks

Postby Marty » Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:14 pm

I have put together about 12 private decks for the organizaton I work for and all of a sudden we are unable to download the private decks using our old codes. They worked fine before. We just noticed this on December 4th. Any help or suggestion would be welcome. The pop up says "Download Error Deck code not found:"
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Re: Cannot download pvt decks

Postby Ernie » Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:15 pm


I archive private decks off my server after 45 days, so that might be what is happening. You have a few options: 1) re-upload your decks using the website 2) Export the decks back to my server from within the app (Edit, tap the deck, then Export), or 3) Let me know what the deck codes were (at least a couple of them) and I can most likely restore them.

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Re: Cannot download pvt decks

Postby Marty » Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:19 am

Thanks, I re-uploaded them from within the app, very easy.
If we want to make these decks permanently available to our users, would you suggest we upload them to our own server?
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Re: Cannot download pvt decks

Postby Ernie » Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:33 pm

That would work. Make sure you save the text file in UTF8 format. You can also use my Export page on the website to get the text file. Put that on your server. For the deck code, you would enter the full URL of the text file. (You don't need the http:// part.) If you have pictures, make a directory with the same name as the text file (without ".txt") at the same level and put pictures in there.

The other option is to send to my shared library or upload to Quizlet.

Or finally, just re-upload the private deck every month to my server to make sure it won't get removed (from the 45 day of no activity thing).
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