5-sides Cards

5-sides Cards

Postby cherylholden » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:17 pm

Can someone explain what the benefits of having 5-sided card support if you can only display 2 cards? I'm only entering text (no pics or snd) via excel and the upload. What I'm trying to do is verb conjugations. Text 1 - English, text 2 - Spanish, text 3 - Singular conjugations, test 4 - Plural conjugations. How I thought it would work is that each card would display one after the other but what I get is 2 sides with whatever txt I designate. Is there anyway to use Spaced repetition to display 4 cards one after the other? In browse, it displays one text after the other but not in study mode.

I love this program. It's so simple to create and upload cards. Just having some difficulties in getting the study mode set up to meet my needs. Do other users have some tips for using Flashcards Deluxe for studying languages? I'm currently taking 2 Spanish courses and am about to start French.

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Re: 5-sides Cards

Postby Ernie » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:35 pm

Hi Cheryl,

When studying, tapping will flip the card through each side. When not in browse mode, swiping up/left/down will answer (strong/correct/wrong) and move to the next card. So when you say "4 cards after another", a 4-sided card is 1 single card, you can just tap to cycle through each side.

See my sample deck with deck code "sample1". (+, Private deck). I made 2 cards with 4 sides. You can see a dots at the bottom showing which side you are on. Tap to cycle through sides. Swipe left to go to next card.

Spaced repetition is a good choice. You mention that browse mode works differently. What may be confusing you is that a swipe up/down in browse mode will flip the card. When not in browse mode, swiping will answer and move to the next card. (Maybe I should turn off swipe up/down in browse mode.) Use tap to flip card.

Does any of this help? Let me know.

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Re: 5-sides Cards

Postby cherylholden » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:46 am

Thanks Ernie! What I wasn't understanding is that I only swipe up/down/left AFTER the 4th card. In other words, when I've completed the entire question. In this case, what is the Spanish word for verb xxxx and its singular and plural conjugations. What I was doing was swiping after the second display because I got the infinitive correct. It then moved on to the next verb. Duh! I may try switching to the buttons for right /wrong. With the ipad one has the constant urge to swipe something!

I'm loving this program more and more every day. It's quite powerful if one takes the time to learn all it does. I especially like the support for Unicode. Some programs don't and they are useless for studying languages. The uploading is excellent as well. I just have to copy and paste much of the vocab from my online books to excel, cut and paste into the upload page and there are my flashcards! The folder option is great too. I like to keep my studies organized by class.

Thanks for the very quick response. The sample deck is much appreciated. I set my deck up exactly the same and what can I say....it works great! Now off to studying!
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Re: 5-sides Cards

Postby Ernie » Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:58 am

Yes, you answer once for the entire card, regardless of how many sides you have.

When creating flashcards, it's generally good to not have too many questions on a single card, as everything on the card is together as a group. If if you break up the questions into smaller pieces (e.g. one card for singular and another card for plural conjugation), then each card can be on a different shedule based on how well you know each distinct question (assuming you use short term goal or spaced repetition). I'm not suggesting you break your cards up, but just pointing this out in case it helps you study efficently.
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