"next review" question

"next review" question

Postby Ajooba1982@gmail.com » Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:20 am

Hello Ernie,
I study with the spaced repetition system in the app. Lately I have been getting some weird results after I am done with my set. For example, when I am done with a set of 30 cards, and i know that I got at least half of them right, the app gives me a score of 7 out of 30. Is this because I have been using the "next review" option at the bottom center of the screen and then choosing 3 days for the next review? I feel when I do that, it does not take that card into account. Is that correct? Does it give me a "right" or "wrong" score when I choose the next review button?

Re: "next review" question

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:32 pm

Hi Ajooba,

Your theory is correct. When using the "next review" function, the card is not counted as correct. I guess it looks like it was wrong, since the "out of 30" includes these "next review" adjusted cards. I felt you could go either way - count them correct or not - and I choose not.
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Re: "next review" question

Postby Ajooba1982@gmail.com » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:00 am

Good to know. Thanks for your response.

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