Input audio with ease

Input audio with ease

Postby timroof » Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:24 pm

Hi Ernie,
I have been using Flashcards Deluxe along with Mental Case flashcards. I must admit, I prefer your cards with one exception.....and it has always been frustrating for me. It takes a very long time to input audio with Flashcards Deluxe in comparison with the other system. The other input method is extremely easy and user friendly. If you look at this program you will see what I mean. Other polyglots I meet with have said the same thing. I was wondering if there is any chance of you developing such a system ? Thanks Ernie.

Re: Input audio with ease

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:57 pm

Are you recording audio on your PC or in the app. In mental case app, you go to the card edit screen and record. Is this what you are comparing. The advantage they have is that you can see the text when recording and you don't have to enter another screen.

On my todo list is improve my in app recording. One option would be to record directly in the card detail screen, rather than go to a separate recording screen. What I'm also interested in doing is to be able to record directly from the study screen, which would be the easiest.

If you are talking about record on the PC, and I can't compete with mental case since they have a desktop app to make that easy for you.
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Re: Input audio with ease

Postby Guest » Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:42 am

That sounds great ! I would be all for that improvement. No other computer needed.....just do it directly on the card detail screen, as you mentioned. Would there be a way to back this up (audio) if it is done from the device itself ?? How far in the future would you guess this might be developed ?

Re: Input audio with ease

Postby Ernie » Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:54 am

You can backup audio now, so yes, you could backup. The procedure is to export to my website then use my Upload page to transfer back to your PC. I will start work soon on providing some other backup options.

This recording functionality is probably 5 months away, sorry. I may move it up, but I've got a lot I want to get done and it's tough to get it all done at once.
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Re: Input audio with ease

Postby Guest » Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:51 am

ernie thanks this application is great.

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