Strange Japanese font rendering bug

Strange Japanese font rendering bug

Postby coasterbear » Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:23 pm

Hi Ernie,

This is a bug I encountered with the previous version, but I thought I would mention it because it was so strange.

My decks all use Japanese characters (all 3 sets). One day I uploaded a bunch of new podcasts to my iPhone. (There was less than .5 GB left after doing this, in case it matters.) After doing this, the characters in Flashcards Deluxe all looked distorted in various ways...some strokes were misplaced, some characters were kind of squished, some strokes went at strange angles or had incorrect curves.

I thought the fonts on the phone had gotten screwed up somehow so I did a full restore, but afterwards everything still looked the same.

Then I tried going into another application (Mail) to see if the characters looked ok there when I typed them, and they did. So I went back to Flashcards Deluxe and suddenly the characters all looked fine.

Since then everything has been fine, with no recurrences. But this was strange enough that I thought I would mention it.

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Re: Strange Japanese font rendering bug

Postby Ernie » Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:22 pm

Hmm, that *is* very strange. I can't imagine that this is anything under my control, but it's good to know about in case others report a similar problem. Thanks.
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