Easily copying and pasting pictures into cards

Easily copying and pasting pictures into cards

Postby Gustavus Fox » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:47 am

Hi Ernie,

This is such a great application that I would like to make cards testing picture recognition, with picture or photo on side 1 and answer on side 2.

Is there an easy way to, without going to web sites, to just import from or copy a photo already located in my IPad's Photo folder, and then paste that photo onto side 1 of a new card?

Thank you.

Philo Willetts
Gustavus Fox

Re: Easily copying and pasting pictures into cards

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:37 pm

Hi Philo,

Yes, you can add a photo from your iPads photo library. Assuming you've created a deck and are looking at the card listing screen...

Tap + to add a new card. You should see the "Text 1-3" section title at the top with 3 blank rows for text for sides 1-3. Scroll down to "Picture 1" and tap. This is how you can add a picture from your library. Afterwards, tap the 2nd blank row at the top to add text to side 2.

Let me know if this doesn't answer your question.

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