2 suggestions

2 suggestions

Postby bhayashi » Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:11 am

First of all, this app is a God send! Thank you, thank you.

I am a doctoral music student. One of my classes (and there will be several more of these types of classes) requires that I memorize symphonies along with their composers, dates, form, and stylistic qualities. I use Flash Cards Deluxe because it allows me to test myself using the music tracks! I love it!

One thing I noticed, though, that I would love to be fixed is that if I am playing a track and my iPod Touch changes to landscape orientation, the sound track starts all over again from the beginning. This can be obnoxious as I may be listening to a track that is 20 minutes long, but if at 13:00 it gets accidentally shifted to landscape orientation, it starts all over from the beginning. If you could please fix that it would be great.

The second thing is, I would like to request a feature. It would really be useful to have the system clock displayed, like perhaps on the bottom. Many times I am studying just before the class that has the test or quiz and I would like to know how much time I have before I really must get to class to take the test. It would really be handy to have that time show on the flash cards. Maybe make that an option to turn on or off for those who would NOT want that. But I would like something there to watch the clock so when it is 2 minutes to class, I know to stop using Flash Cards Deluxe and get to class!

Thanks again for a great application.


Re: 2 suggestions

Postby Ernie » Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:29 am

Hi bhayashi. Thanks.

1) Sound restarting. My recommendation is to lock the orientation (Main Options). I have the same issue with my sound and this is my easy fix. (It works for me since I don't want to view the app in landscape anyway.) I'm not sure when I will get to this or how easy an adjustment it will be.

2) System clock. Can't you just turn off full-screen view as you study so you can always see the time? I suppose it would be a nice option for a few people to view time in full screen, but I need to watch out for option overload.
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Re: 2 suggestions

Postby radiator » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:18 am

The system clock is important to me as well. Other programs I have used have covered the screen. However, with FCD, I usually run the showing the system clock AND the battery, because both are important to me when doing a major study session.

To date, that approach has worked for me

EDIT: Oh yeah, and if you jailbreak your device, SB settings is accessed through the status bar as well - another reason for having that status bar in view.
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Re: 2 suggestions

Postby bhayashi » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:24 am

Oh, yes--I feel enlightened now! I didn't notice the lock orientation in options, thank you, that fixes that. And I guess it didn't occur to me that what I was looking at was a full-screen view, so that takes care of that, too.

Thank you, both of you.


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