Stucked at the card screen

Stucked at the card screen

Postby jason_fc » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:00 am

Hi Ernie,

after I upgrade it to the latest version.(2.8.1) Sometimes when I go into the Cards screen(Screen that shows list of cards inside the deck, accessed from tapping bottom right corner when doing space repetition), I can't go back to the study screen even if I tapped the study button. Actually all the buttons on the top are not tappable. If I further go into the card edit screen, etc, all the top buttons are still not tappable... Killing the app in memory solves the problem.

Is any other people experiencing the same problem?


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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Ernie » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:44 am


I've heard one or two other people mention this. I've never experienced this myself and have no idea why this would happen.
How often does this happen to you and do you notice any pattern to this occurrence?
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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby jason_fc » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:34 am

Hi Ernie,

So far I haven't noticed anything that would trigger this. It happens around 2-3 days now. It only happens after upgrading to the newest version.
I've also tried backup, deleting the app, reinstall, restore. It seems to reduce frequency of the problem. it was around 1 time everyday before re-installation.

If I noticed any symptoms that would trigger this, I'll let you know.

However, is it possible to look at trace of log to find the bug?


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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Ernie » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:14 am

I will look at my code and search the web to see if I can find anything. Since it appears to be very rare (only 2-3 people have ever mentioned this) it may be tough to track down, but I'll see what I can do. A new version should be coming out in a few weeks, and maybe miraculously it will improve, but I will still see what I can find and reply to this thread after I've looked a bit more.
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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Ernie » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:00 pm


I just found something not-quite-right in my code that might explain why the back arrow stopped working. I made a change which I hope will keep this from happening. We'll see!

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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby jason_fc » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:07 am

the problem has been happening more frequently than before. I couldn't find any special steps that could trigger the problem... it stucks at "Edit Card", or "Card List" Screen most of the time, in space repetition, both new and review cards, both cards that have sound or not. It once happened on the Main Screen too, where I can't even press edit. All decks I played with are about 500 - 600 cards in total.

Hopefully your code change will fix this. If not, let's see if the above description will help.

If it doesn't get fixed may be you have some suggestions on where I should look carefully into.


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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Ernie » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:33 am

Have you downloaded the new version that was released yesterday? If not, try that out to see if you notice any improvement.
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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Jozeff » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:31 am

Hi Ernie,

I experience a similar issue, if not the same. Once I go to study mode, There is no way to get out of it and go back to my decks. What I do to get around it, is to force power off my iPad and go back to the apps. If that could fix; that will be awesome!
I have also version 2.8.1. Is there any other version after that?

Great apps overall, thanks.

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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Ernie » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:19 am

Jozeff, this might be a different issue. In your case, it may not be a problem at all, it's just that the app may hide the back button at the top left even though it's still active.

If you are in the study screen, tap near the top-left of the screen. Depending on what color theme you are using, tapping at the top will toggle full-screen on/off. In new themes, the screen is always full-screen, but the back arrow may be invisible to keep the display simple.
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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby jason_fc » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:22 am

Hi Ernie,

Still using previous version. I will try it out and let you know after some experiments.


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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Ernie » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:25 am

Jason, the only change that was made had to do with the back button in the card listing screen. Being that your issue goes beyond this one button, it's likely something else. I can see no reason for an Edit button to stop working.
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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Jozeff » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:55 pm

Hi Ernie,

It for my case; mystery solved!

Thanks again,

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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby jason_fc » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:28 am

Hi Ernie,

When the problem first occurred, it was the "Card List" Screen (accessed when pressing the right bottom corner of a card). Later I found out it also happened on "Card Edit" screen (accessed by choosing "Edit Card" from the card screen). Later on I found out it also happened on the main screen, but only happened once.

Even with the upgrade, the problem still exists. It seems though, the upgrade reduced the frequency a little bit. But I also feel that the frequency increases the longer the app was installed in iPhone...

it seems to me that it happens more frequently after I stopped using the app for a while (1 - 2 hours), immediately run the app, then go to the "Card List" screen.

I would also suspect if it's iPhone's internal problem... However, other apps are working fine... so I have no clue.

I have 12 decks of cards that's over 500 vocab in it. with pictures or sound in the cards. I don't think the number is really that big to have caused the problem, but just letting you know.

If there are no clues, I guess I can live with it and may be either an iOS upgrade can solve the problem.

Or is there anyway I can downgrade back to say... two versions earlier? To see if the problem still persist?


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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Ernie » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:05 pm

Jason, I'm really at a loss as to why this is happening to you.

As for trying a prior version, if you want send me your device ID and I can email you an old version that would co-exist with your latest version. Below are instructions on getting your device ID if you are interested.
My email is

Get device UDID:
1 .Connect the device to your computer.
2. On the "Summary" tab in iTunes, click the "Serial Number" label. You'll notice "Serial Number" changes to "Identifier".
3. Click on "Edit" in the menu at the top and select "Copy".
4. Now you can paste the device ID into an email.
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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby jason_fc » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:34 am

Hi Ernie,

Thanks in advance. However, I have just updated my iOS to the latest version today. I will see if it solves my problem first. If yes, I can assume it's iOS's incompatibility with the app. If not, I'll then try the older version. I would like to have the easier sound edit shortcut if the problem is solved with iOS upgrade.

If you want me to try it as to determine if it's app's problem. Let me know, I'm good with that too.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby Ernie » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:41 pm

Let's see how the latest iOS works and we'll go from there.
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Re: Stucked at the card screen

Postby jason_fc » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:50 am

Hi Ernie,

iOS update does not solve the problem. However, the frequency of this happening is way lower right now. (Once every few days)
So I am OK with it right now.

Thanks for the help,

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