Text file format

Text file format

Postby Keith » Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:06 am

On the page where you document text file format, you say it's

Side 1 text, side 2 text, side 3 text, category 1, category 2, statistics

I found elsewhere on your site what category 1 is used for -- what is category 2 -- is it just that a card can be assigned to multiple categories?

Also, what's the format of the statistics, and would that cause there to be more than 6 items on a single line?


Re: Text file format

Postby Ernie » Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:54 am


Yes, category 2 can be used to assign two different categories to a single card. For example, category 1 could represent the chapter the card is from, and category 2 could represent the part of speech:

book libro Chapter 1 noun
shirt camisa Chapter 2 noun
speak hablar Chapter 2 verb

The format of the statistics are documented here:

I don't intend for you to create this statistic data. It will be created by the app if you export.

Each "item" on a line is separated by a tab. More than 6 items means the upload process found more than 5 tabs on a line. Double-quotes can confuse this process, so if you use only 1 double-quote in a side's text, you might run into a problem. Also, categories can only be up to 100 characters in length, so if you go over, you also might run into this "more than 6 items" error. If you continue to have this error and the above info doesn't help, email me your text and I can help further.

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Re: Text file format

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:34 pm

Thank you for your reply - it was very helpful.

Re: Text file format

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:00 pm

Wasn't sure if I should create a new thread..

but similar to above question, how do I add pictures using text editor? (I plan to upload pictures to a dropbox folder)- so I know that i need to get the url address...

but, relative to text editor, do i still use 'tabs'? and if so, how many tabs for it to know i'm inserting a picture?

let me know..i don't feel like experimenting and screwing things up.


Re: Text file format

Postby Ernie » Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:36 pm

To set a media directory, at the top of your text file enter something like
* {tab} media-dir {tab} http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11111111/Chinese/

As for tabs in a text file, you then need a header row telling the app what's in each column:
Text 1 {tab} Text 2 {tab} Picture 2

In this example, you have text and a picture on side two. A flashcard would look like:
book {tab} libro {tab} book.jpg

So you just line up the items with the headings you defined (same number of tabs).

Let me know if this is not clear,
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