Local Notifications - Reminder

Local Notifications - Reminder

Postby geo4 » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:15 am

Love the app! One nice addition could be an optional local notification that automatically appears to remind the user when a certain number of cards are due.

For example, the user could configure the Flashcards app to send a "local notification" when a specified number of cards become due. This could be any number that the user decides, and could be useful for encouraging the user to check the program when a substantial number of cards are due. The notification could state the number of due cards, and an option to go to the app or ignore.

I'm not an app developer myself, but it is my understanding that the iOS SDK allows apps to make local notifications, even when they are not running. This would perfect for procrastinators like myself who need a little extra nagging now and then to keep up with good study habits.

Keep up the good work! Flashcards Deluxe has been my most valuable purchase from the App Store. Period.

Re: Local Notifications - Reminder

Postby Ernie » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:35 am

It might be possible to do this without too much fancy programming (e.g. without server push notifications), but until I look into it, I'm not entirely sure.This is on my to-do list, but I won't look at this until I get some other big items done, like multiple choice. Thanks for the reminder though.
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