Any plan to localize ?

Any plan to localize ?

Postby SeoulRain » Sun May 22, 2011 4:17 pm

This is a lovely app.
Since I started using this app for my English Study, I've made and shared many manuals for Korean users through Internet.
Our cafe is continuing to grow and has now about more than 4,000 users at home.

With so many other flashcard apps with some worst performances and algorithm,
the only reason that FD is still ranked rather lower on the list of the Korean appstore is just it's not yet been localized.

So, why don't you try to translate your app into some other languages for uses abroad?

If you need any help with translating the menu stuff into Korean, I'd be glad to help.
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Re: Any plan to localize ?

Postby Ernie » Sun May 22, 2011 7:51 pm

Hey SeoulRain,

"and has now about more than 4,000 users at home."
Wow, that's great!

Yes, I do want to localize. I definitely hope to find a person interested in helping with Korean. There is actually quite a lot that can be translated. Translating just the in-app text, excluding the help, is a fairly big job. Maybe I stop there, but the upload page at OrangeOrApple can be translated and even the App Store description. It's not a simple task. Anyway, if you are interested in helping or know someone that might, email me at and we can talk about it.

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Re: Any plan to localize ?

Postby Localizer » Mon May 23, 2011 11:42 pm

I would offer to localize in german! For free of course! About time somebody returned a little bit of the effort you are making. Greets simon

Re: Any plan to localize ?

Postby norbert » Tue May 24, 2011 3:06 am

Agreed, I can also help with the German.
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Re: Any plan to localize ?

Postby Ernie » Tue May 24, 2011 7:41 am

Simon and Norbert,

Thanks for the offers! I've actually got someone already helping with German translations, but I will need more help... at the very least I will need a proof-reader or two.

Simon, if you are up for it, email me ( and I'll let you know when I'm ready to take advantage of your generous offer.
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