Estimating the amount of due cards

Estimating the amount of due cards

Postby Andreas » Thu May 19, 2011 3:40 am


first of all thanks for this fantastic app!!!

First of all, I have a problem, to understand my "problem" - So if I might be not explain it so clear - please forgive me.

My question is: How many new cards can I put to Flashcards every week - if I repeat a certain amount of words every day.
For example: I put every week 100 new words - and I repeat every day only 10 cards.
Now I need to guess, how many times I need to have a look at a word, to make it active - and then I have to guess, how many of the words from level 1 I will mark with "Strong", "Known" or "not Known" and so on with Level 2, 3, etc...

When I understand it correct, it looks now like this, that I wont be happy with my amount of new words and my learning time. There will be always to many words: I will never learn all new words, I wont have time to repeat this, which are due will overstretch me.

So my question is: How many new words (x) I can put to my Flashcards every week, when I repeat (y) words every day - To have a normal allocation of learned words, due words etc.

I know, that I cant put this factors so clear - And with the options in Flashcards it will be possible to change this too - BUT...
But if we would say: Its needed 8 times to have a look at a new word to make it active, at Level 1 I dont know 70 per cent of the words, at Level 2 only 60 per cent and so on... How many words I should have a look every day when I put "X" new words every week - And the other side: how many words I can put, when I can repeat every day 100 words... I know, it wont be possible to predict it accurate - But is it possible only approximate way??

Am I now totally on the wrong street - and my brain doesnt work like it should - Or does somebody understand my problem - and maybe could help me with it?

Best regards


Re: Estimating the amount of due cards

Postby Ernie » Thu May 19, 2011 12:52 pm

Hi Andreas,

I really can't help with a formula or a card count. I have no idea. It sounds like you want to solve for "number of new cards". The app doesn't force you to learn new cards... you can add 1000 new cards and they'll just sit there (with a pending status) until you are ready to take on the next 10. Work on your due cards, and any time you have left after that you can work on new cards. If due cards are taking too long, you can answer "strong" or "correct" more often so they are not repeated as often (though retention may suffer).

I'm sorry, I don't really understand your question fully, but you can control how "busy" you make yourself by how quickly/slowly you convert new cards to active. If you get overwhelmed, then focus more on the due cards to catch up.

Bottom line... I wouldn't try to estimate. As you progress, adjust the way to study and use the app as needed to keep you comfortable.

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