Uploading mp3's to flashcard in Quizlet.com

Uploading mp3's to flashcard in Quizlet.com

Postby jordanutley@weber.edu » Wed May 18, 2011 5:59 am

Hi Ernie-

I ried just this am to upload mp3 files to cards in Quizlet.....to no avail.
What's the trick? I so a box for pics, but not audio.
In reading your "how to file" it mentioned that I'd have to go to your website to upload audio. Which is this if not Quizlet?
THANKS in advance! I'm giving a talk using your app for Apple on WEdnesday of next week and would love to show the souped-up version of the flashcard on the iPad! :D

Re: Uploading mp3's to flashcard in Quizlet.com

Postby Ernie » Wed May 18, 2011 6:35 am

I'll probably need more info from you on what you are trying to do, but...
Quizlet doesn't support audio clips (other than TTS which can't be uploaded or downloaded outside their website). So, you can't use Quizlet.

If you want to add audio, one option is to record each clip within the app using the card edit screen. This unfortunately is a bit cumbersome, but the next update coming out in a week or so will make this much easier. The other way of adding audio is to use Excel to define your flashcard data and specify the sound file name to associate with each card/side. To download into the app, people generally use my website at orangeorapple.com to Upload your text to my server, assign a deck code, then download as a private deck in the app. When the flashcards are downloaded into the app, the app needs to be able to find these sound files that you've defined. One way is to upload all your sound files to my server (using the same deck code) and the app can then put it all together. Another option is to put your sound files on something like Dropbox and using the "Media Dir URL" feature in the website's Upload page to specify where on the internet to find the sound files.

Let me know if you need any more assistance with this.
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