"This picture or sound was not specified..." Error

"This picture or sound was not specified..." Error

Postby djambeeg » Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:16 am


I am trying to upload a zip folder of mp3 files to my flashcard deck but when I click Upload File: "This picture or sound was not specified in the flashcard text you uploaded" error appears. Unsure what I am doing wrong - can anyone help?

Thank you

Re: "This picture or sound was not specified..." Error

Postby Ernie » Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:27 pm


Does it say which file it was? The media uploader doesn't like "extra" files. In your text, you'll have a "Sound 1" or "Sound 2" (etc) column. Here is where you define the file names. When you upload the zip file, if a file name exists in the zip that wasn't defined in the Sound __ column, then you get this error. I would hope that the error message would include a file name to give some clue as to which file had the problem.

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