Found another bug in 2.7.1

Found another bug in 2.7.1

Postby Sagitta_fr » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:17 am

Hi, Ernie

Found another bug while I was editing my dictionary deck!
(I just love doing the detective work, lol)

So, here it is:

Step 1: Go to any deck, create a new card by clicking on the “add” button

Step2: Now, you’re in the “card edit” screen, so go into the side 1 and type in the following text.

believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere

Step3: After typing in the above text, go back to the card edit screen (Please hold your iPhone vertically, not horizontally.)

Step4: You will see, in this “card edit” screen, that there’s actually a suspension points, the “…”, at the end of the sentence that you just typed in. (By the way, that sentence is actually the definition for the word “cynical” in my dictionary deck.) So, when you hold the phone vertically, it goes like this "believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not si..."

So, to my understanding, the suspension points “…” is usually “triggered” when you type in too much content in one side of the card, right?

Well in the above case, the content contains only 12 words, so I’m wondering what might actually trigger that suspension points? Maybe it just doesn’t have anything to do with the length of the text you put in there, does it?

And here’s another example, type/copy-paste the following text into any side of the new card you just created:

2. School admissions are not under/ within our jurisdiction.

Again, the above sentence has only 8 words, but the in “card edit” screen, it’s followed by a “…” as well.

(By the way, I uploaded a deck called “systembug” which has the above two examples, you can download it and see for yourself.)

Although this is not much of a bug, but it bothers me because I can’t figure out why sometimes there’s a “…” popped up, and sometimes not. I mean, what’s the possible explanation for this?

And what interests me more is that, for instance, if you delete any single word from the above sentences in the examples that I gave you, then the “problem” would be resolved, so you don’t see the suspension points any more in the card edit screen.

A bit odd, isn’t it?

(Also, I’m using a 3GS, I don’t know if the same thing would happen to an iPhone 4)


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Re: Found another bug in 2.7.1

Postby Ernie » Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:23 pm

Hi Sagitta,

I tried your examples, but download your deck on both my 3G and 4 and didn't notice any "...". Not sure what to say.
Can you attach a screenshot?

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Re: Found another bug in 2.7.1

Postby Sagitta_fr » Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:55 am

Hey, Ernie

First off, thanks so much for the quick reply, Ernie.

Sorry that I made you speechless, I’m speechless as well. Lol, am I delusional or something?

Okay, I’ve uploaded a deck with pictures to demonstrate exactly what I went thru, or what particularly happened to my 3GS. The name of the deck is systembug1. There're two careds in that deck, 9 pics.

So, what I did is that I took the pics of the screen of my iPhone using my wife’s iPhone, and attached those pics into that deck. By the way, I also downloaded the deck on her phone to test it, well the same problem occurred to her phone too.

Hope you can look into this.

Thanks you!

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Re: Found another bug in 2.7.1

Postby Ernie » Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:46 pm

Ok, the issue seems to happen on iPhone 3's when using iOS 4. I think it might be a bug in iOS (not returning the correct size required for text) so I'm not sure it's an easy fix on my end. Anyway, I do see the issue and will look into it. Thanks for your time in helping to point this out.
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Re: Found another bug in 2.7.1

Postby Sagitta_fr » Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:08 pm

Okay, I see, Ernie, a problem with iPhone 3's when using iOS 4, huh?

Hmm, I'll see what I can do, maybe accidentally break my iPhone3 and go get an iPhone 4, lol.
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