Transfer Files

Transfer Files

Postby Mushikins » Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:18 pm

When I created my decks, I think I made them private decks. I bought a new iPod & would like to transfer the decks to the new one. How can I do this?

Re: Transfer Files

Postby Ernie » Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:37 pm

1) If you have the decks on one device, follow the procedure below to copy to another device.
2) If you don't have the decks on a device, then do you have the flashcard text still on your PC? If so, you can start over with the copy-paste process into my website creating a new private deck. The steps for this is at

Let me know if this doesn't help.

Export from one device and import to the other device:

Export to the server:
1) At the main screen, tap Edit, then the deck you want to export
2) Make sure you enter a "Deck Code" (2nd item). Use a code that nobody else will.
3) Tap Export. Make sure "Export To" is set to "Server", and set other options appropriately.
4) Tap Export.

Import from your other device:
5) At the main screen, tap +, then "Private Deck"
6) Enter the same Deck Code you choose above
7) Tap "Download Cards"
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