audio has become corrupted?

audio has become corrupted?

Postby phloem » Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:30 am

I noticed today in one of my decks that the audio on most of the cards no longer plays. The other decks don't exhibit this. When looking at a card the play icon is the stop "square" icon. This problem is the same whether the audio is set to auto play or not.

When I look at the audio file in the Edit screen, the icon is normal but it won't play when taping on it either.

I tried exporting the server and downloading back to the iPhone, but the problem remained.

What Is there a way to replace the audio for the deck and retain the statistics?
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Re: audio has become corrupted?

Postby phloem » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:46 am

I just tried the "replace all cards" feature under Download (including audio). This replaced all the text and audio while maintaining the statistics. It seems to have helped some (more cards are playing the audio). However, the problem continues.

I should mention that I'm using DropBox. When I check the audio files on DropBox, that I re-downloaded to Flashcards, they play fine on my computer. So something is either wrong with my iPhone or a file in the Flashcards app (I guess). Because only one deck is effected makes me think the problem is with a file(s) associated with that deck.
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Re: audio has become corrupted?

Postby Ernie » Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:36 am

I pull my files from dropbox and occationally a sound will be "empty". It's been a very minor issue for me, but I should look into it further to see what I can do about this. My guess is it's a random network issue when downloading. You can try creating a new deck to see if that helps. (If that works better for whatever reason, you can always export just your text file with statistics, so that when you create the new deck, they stats are there.) When you re-downloaded, I assume you said to redownload the media files also. (You said it got better.) I really am not sure what is going on. Sorry. I hope that trying again another time will help. Some people need to use "https://" (with "s") for the dropbox media URL, but I'm guessing this is not the case for you. If you only have a few sounds messed up, maybe go to the card edit screen, delete the bad sounds, then redonload *keeping* the exising sounds so that only the new ones will be downloaded. Really what I need to do is somehow check that the sound is valid before I assign it to the card.
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Re: audio has become corrupted?

Postby phloem » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:56 pm

thanks Ernie. The files on DrobBox are fine, those that won't play on the iPhone.

I've created a new deck and downloaded the re-downloaded the text and audio. How do I apply the statistics from the original deck to this new deck?
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Re: audio has become corrupted?

Postby Ernie » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:28 pm

You can't transfer stats like you are asking about. What you do is first export your flashcard text. (Use "Export" option, make sure Statistics are ON, and export to either my server or to email.) Now, just make sure this exported data, with statistics, is what you use to download when you create your new deck.
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Re: audio has become corrupted?

Postby phloem » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:48 pm

Thanks. Now I understand. After I exported the text with statistics to email, I just copied the text and pasted into Flashcard web upload site, and uploaded the audio there aswell. After doing this, the files that didn't play the audio are now playing and I retained all the statistics!

Thanks Ernie
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