Creating Flashcards

Creating Flashcards

Postby Dman » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:33 am

Hey Ernie,

First off I love the app. I was wondering if there could be any way to make it easier to upload cards. I really like the way iFlipr does it on their site and that is why I've previously used them. They have a web app that makes it easy to make the cards and format them the way I wan't. I am a science major that has to memorize a lot of equations and memorize a lot of anatomy terms. I like iFlipr because I'm able to make my cards with exponents and weird symbols without having to know the programming behind it. I also like that I can upload the picture right from my computer instead of paying 10 dollars for the quizlet membership. For everything else, I think your app is superior and I would love to use it more. Thanks.

Re: Creating Flashcards

Postby Ernie » Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:20 pm

Hi Dman,

With my app, you generally either use Quizlet to create your cards, or you use Excel. If you use Excel, you can add pictures by adding a "Picture 1" (for example) column, specify the picture file name in that column and then upload these pictures to either my website or dropbox. At the top of is a link to an Excel file with documentation on creating flashcards in a spreadsheet.

Yeah, I don't have any built-in support for a WYSIWYG editor, and don't plan on adding this, nor adding a website to enter flashcards. This is what Quizlet does. What iFlipr's editor does is help you create html. One option might be to use their editor, then click the html button and copy this html into Excel. I know it's not that convenient.

If you can end up maintaining for flashcards in a spreadsheet though, transfering to the app should be fairly simple. If you go this route and need more guidance, let me know.

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