Spaced repetition: max. intervall after wrong problem

Spaced repetition: max. intervall after wrong problem

Postby Guest » Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:02 pm


first of all thanks for the great app! I use it daily for learning Chinese and English.

I seem to have a problem though. I use lots of spaced repetition. Lately I have noticed an abundance of cards which all have 6 days as their next review date, while the "strong" review date is around 70 days or even more! Digging around in the settings I noticed the "max interval after wrong" was at its default setting of 6 days. I changed it up to 31 days. As a result, the cards displayed at 6 days before now are displayed at 31 days.

Of course most, if not all cards have been wrong at some time in their "life". However, I had them correct many times since! Is it on purpose that even these cards get the max interval after wrong amount of review time or is it a bug? Can I get around that?


Re: Spaced repetition: max. intervall after wrong problem

Postby Ernie » Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:14 pm

Hi Max,

Just to make sure we are on the same page, let's go over some background. At the bottom, you'll see some info like

(30) 6 45 60

The means that the current interval of the card is 30 days. IF you answer wrong, the next interval will be 6 days. IF you answer standard correct, the next interval will be 45 days.

There is a setting "Max interval after wrong", that defaults to 6 days. Normally a wrong will half the current interval. But withthis setting, the new interval may get capped, so in the example above, the interval will go to 6 days. This is somewhat conservative on the systems part... you don't know it, do it doesn't want to wait too long to test you again.

So yes, with the default setting, you should see a "6" there for all cards with an interval of 12 days or more. This is to be expected.

You mentioned the 6 changing to 31 after you changed the setting. The actual interval didn't change, just what the interval will become if you answer wrong.

You last statement confuses me. It doesn't really care what you did in the past. The next interval is dependent on the current interval and how you answer this latest time (one of 3 ways).

Does this help?

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Re: Spaced repetition: max. intervall after wrong problem

Postby Guest » Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:20 pm

damnit it's exactly as you say. I really feel kinda embarrassed now and am really sorry for taking so much of your time with my misunderstanding. Thanks a lot though for the stellar support! Next time I have a question I will spend more time digging around the documentation, promise ;)

Re: Spaced repetition: max. intervall after wrong problem

Postby Ernie » Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:59 pm

No worries. Glad it makes more sense now.
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