Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby dhfl143 » Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:09 pm

My iPod had an update today for flashcards. Since updating, the original screen that has the deck icon in the upper left hand corner and the circled "i" in the right hand corner no longer appears. I am taken directly to a flashcard within one of the decks. The only way I can access my decks is from a flashcard. I click on the little stacked boxes, which is the last icon on the bottom, click on edit the card, click view and click other decks. I can switch decks, but I an no longer able to figure out where or how to create new decks, because when I veiw the other screen decks - there is no plus sign to create another deck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, have an iPod touch and iPad that are synched to the same itunes account. Why when it synchs the app doesn't it synch all content created within the app? I created the decks right within the iPod and would like to upload them and share them with the iPad. Since I can no longer get to the main screen is it possible to export my data so that I don't loose it?
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Re: Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby Ernie » Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:39 pm

Ok, now I'm with you. You are in full screen view. In the black "study" screen, tap near the top of the screen. This will toggle full screen on/off. If in full screen, just tap at the top corners twice, once to show the title bar and another to tap either Decks or (i).

Syncing with iTunes will not transfer data from one device to another. You can copy a deck across devices though. See How do I transfer my deck to another device?
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Re: Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby dhfl143 » Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:28 pm

Thanks! That did it. Kudos to you or making such an intuitive product. My daughter has dyslexia and there is no way that she would be able to learn all of the latin terms required from her vet and science programs without this type of feedback. Because you have more than one sound bite per card, it offers the ability to provide the correct pronunciation and also the ability to verbally spell each word, if needed.

Your app is universally designed. At some point, I'll be writing an article and creating a workshop for parents about using apps for assistive technology -- and your app will be among the must have treasures from the apple app store. I give Flashcards app 5 stars and will be leaving an appropriate comment in the app review. What a beautiful piece of software.

If you still need beta testers for your app -- I'd be happy to help.
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Re: Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby Ernie » Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:35 pm

Wow, what great comments! Thanks so much for your kind words and support. I hope the app continues to be a useful tool for your daughter.
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Re: Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby Wysoke » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:22 pm

Hi:) I love this app but recently I am unable to add any pictures to my deck:( it always crashes and tells me to contact you when I try adding a pic from my camera right away or from my iPhone library... Please help:( I need that function... Thank you so much for all your hard work!!^__^*

Re: Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby Ernie » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:21 pm


Thanks for contacting me. This happens to a relatively small number of people and I don't know why it happens. I think the app just doesn't get installed properly. The fix?... you are going to need to delete and reinstall the app. This should fix it. Before you delete, you need to make sure you export all decks that you want to keep so you can restore them. The following post walks you through how to export to my server, then import: When you "re-purchase", you won't get charged again, since you already bought it. I'm sorry for the trouble. The app should be in full working order after a reinstall.

My theory is that your app has been "corrupted" the whole time. Is this the first time you've tried to add pictures?

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Re: Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby radiator » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:50 pm

Just a comment... that may or may not be related... I have run into issues with other flashcard programs in the past with regard to not enough memory on the device. If your pictures are huge, or if you are running some other programs, maybe there could be some sort of memory issue that creates problems/kills the program. If your pictures are large, you would need to find a way to reduce them.

I run a jailbroken 3GS and have a fairly clear view to the amount of memory available on the device (I have programs that can show me that). And when it gets low, things go terribly wrong.

NOTE: I thought FCD had some sort of mechanism if loading through the official webpage, but not sure of any of those details.
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Re: Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby fuleyex » Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:32 pm

How to put apps on an iPod which is synced with a different iTunes without losing data? My friend came over for a week and she has an iPod touched which she synced with a different iTunes. She would like to put some new games on her iPod so that we could play on multiplayer. She doesn't want to loose the information songs and everything on her iPod. Is there anyway to only put one or two apps on the iPod without losing the data stored on it?
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Re: Problem decks / ? sharing decks created in ipod

Postby Ernie » Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:14 am


I'm a little confused, but I think the answer is no, you can't using a iTunes backup and sync/update just select apps, while leaving the existing apps on there.
If you are concerned about app data for Flashcads Deluxe, then this can be transfered from one device to another using the in-app export/import.

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