Feature Request: automatic progress & custom separators

Feature Request: automatic progress & custom separators

Postby yeah » Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:37 am

Sometimes when I don't study for a long time, cards on low stages are due for days. When I study again and actually remember them, they go one stage higher and are asked again after maybe one or two days, although I just proofed to not forget them in a much longer time. You should at least offer the option to count the actual interval in. For example, the multiplier could be applied directly to the actual interval, rather then to the planned but overrun one.

Second: I often have various synonyms built in to my vocabulary database. So there are many words on one card, separated by a '/'. Unfortunately your app considers this big line of words as unbreakable and just cuts the part that doesn't fit on the screen. You should give the option to select custom separators, which are then treated like a space, allowing to break up a line. Or it should break unfitting things by force. Better than not seeing everything.

Thank you for considering this :)
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Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:08 am

Re: Feature Request: automatic progress & custom separators

Postby Ernie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:18 am

1) Seems like a pretty good idea. I've made a note of it and will consider this.

2) I just discovered this pretty cool html tag: <wbr>. If you put these after your slashes:
it will hint to the web view that you can put a break there if needed. Maybe I'll put logic to auto-add these after certain characters like / or -, or even let user choose, but not sure yet. It sounds like you couple probably add these automatically in a query when you create your text file... to get a viable solution right now.?
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