quizlet and app NOT working

quizlet and app NOT working

Postby Irisel PR » Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:35 pm


I recently downloaded this app for my chinese class. I downloaded it SPECIFICALLY for the "drawing" capacities. I've spent 3 hrs creating a set of chinese flashcards on quizlet and once I was done I was not able to download them. When I go to quizlet it says I don't have any "sets".

my username on quizlet is: iriselpr

PLEASE help me. I see a lot of good potential in this app and I am currently unable to use it. PLEASE HELP!
Irisel PR

Re: quizlet and app NOT working

Postby Ernie » Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:52 am

Hi. Quizlet sometimes takes a while to show new flashcards sets in a search. This is beyond my control. Normally it takes 5 minutes, but sometimes it takes as long as a day if they are having some difficulties on their end. Please give it more time.

You can transfer your cards to the app right away if you export from quizlet and paste into my website.

This doesn't happen too often, but there was also a delay a few days ago also. I need to do a better job and instructing people what to expect.
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