spreadsheet from google and media from dropbox

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Re: spreadsheet from google and media from dropbox

Post by Sicox » Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:29 am

Hi there,
thank you for your fast replay. It works like a charm.
For all the other users who might be interested how I did it.
Here you go:

Re: spreadsheet from google and media from dropbox

Post by Ernie » Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:11 am

Yes, put something like the following at the top (e.g. row 1) before your header row with "Text 1"...
* {column} media-dir {column} http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12345678/
I put {column} to represent a new column, so put * in column A, "media-dir" in column B, and folder URL in column C.

(I know I didn't do any documenting for this, but I'll do so for the next update.)

spreadsheet from google and media from dropbox

Post by Sicox » Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:50 am

In order to upload my decks that include many pictures I do the following:
1. create a spreadsheet in Google-docs
Text 1 Text 2 Picture 1 Picture 2
2. put all my pictures in a separate public folder in my Dropbox

so here is my Question:
Is it possible to put the Information of my media-folder (something like http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2774569/Spanien-Sevilla/) into the spreadsheet in Google-docs,
so when I import my spreadsheet (from Google Docs) all my pictures will be imported too?
Any ideas how this could work?
