Excellent Appi.

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Re: Excellent Appi.

Post by Ernie » Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:25 pm

Hi Joey. Thank you! ...and thanks for the review!
Yes, the next update will support exporting back to Google docs.
As for translations, thanks for the offer. I'm still not quite ready to tackle this yet, but hopefully someday.

Best of luck with your studies,

Excellent Appi.

Post by Joeypublic » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:56 am

Hello Ernie,
I just want to congratulate you on this wonderfull appi with so many extras in the settings....
Wow,,,, it's amazing... and now with the integration with Google docs... Pretty COOL.... This is the best tool to learn and memorize, ever.
I can hardly wait for your next upgrade. I hope it brings upload to Google docs.

I am spanish and I usually use it to improve my english, by learning my own english word lists with sentences.
I have recomended to my nice and she was really surprised how easy the appi is... and how fast she learn her subjects.

I wrote a good review in spanish last week with a good rate in App Store (ipod)
If you need help to translate it into spanish (international spanish - Spain) I can help you.

Really... thank you, thank you.... for developing it. !!!
Best wishes, Joey Public
