size of image uploads

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Re: size of image uploads

Post by Ernie » Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:13 pm


Don't worry about it too much. If you have the media files you upload on your PC, which I assume you do, then you can right-click on the files or the folder and view the properties to see how much data it is. To delete the media files, go to the Upload screen in my website and there is a link at the bottom "Delete your deck". There is no hard limit, but it just helps me from running out of space if people can help out in this way. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.


size of image uploads

Post by dpack » Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:07 am

I use a lot of images in my flashcards but have no idea the total size that I've uploaded. I know you want anything more than 30MB deleted from the server, how do I know when I've reached that limit and how do I delete from the server? Thanks.
