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Topic review

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Re: Categories

Post by Guest » Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:39 am

Perfect, Ernie! I was totally missing the Combination Deck(s) option. That's even better yet. My decks (chapters) can be kept separate and yet put together as most needed for language study. I tried several flashcard apps, but settled on this one. And it keeps getting better the more I know about it!! thanks for your quick replies as well.

Re: Categories

Post by Ernie » Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:20 pm

For a single deck, you use "Cards to Study" to filter cards based on category. It sounds like you found this.

You can group multiple decks together for studying use a "combination deck". Tap +, then Combination Deck, then add the decks you want to include. Now in this new combination deck, go to deck options > cards to study and you can specify the categories you want to study just as you would for a single deck. The only difference is that you have to specify which categories for each deck separately.

This last point shows that if you have a lot of decks, it can be a little troublesome to specify the same categories for every deck. Maybe you already know this and this is actually your original point / question. I won't be tackling this issue anytime soon, so if it becomes a pain, you'll have to adjust somehow.



Post by texbryan » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:58 am

Maybe I'm missing something, but studying by Category, I have to work within ONE deck, not across several, correct?
I'm studying Ukrainian and entering the vocab from each (textbook) Chapter as a Deck. For Category 1, I have Noun, Verb, etc. Category 2 is topic: health, food, etc.
Is there any way to study ALL of a Category from ALL the decks, or do I need to lump all my chapters into one Deck and simply make the Chapter itself a Category?
Simple to do in Excel, but I'm going to have some huge decks 'ere long.

Can I put "Cross-Deck Category Studying" on the "wish list?"

