Option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count?

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Re: Option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count?

Post by Ernie » Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:08 pm


You can hide the deck name at the top by tapping at the top center to hide that title bar. Tap near the top again to show it. I always work full-screen. The new update will have a new "style" that basically is always full screen. (New style > basic > black) The back button and setting button are still there there, but hidden by default.

You can hide the 3 items of text at the bottom by using the apprporiate option in Main Options > View, assuming you are viewing full-screen.

I will eventually add an option to hide the browse button.

Re: Option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count?

Post by Ken » Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:06 am

Well, to throw more gas on this fire:

My choice would be to have even less on the screen. For example, the "B" always seemed like a wart to me: I've never tapped it on purpose, and I don't know why I'd want to. (When I want to see cards without answering them, I go to the Cards screen.) And I use FCD every day and I've looked it up at least twice but I can't remember what all the numbers on the bottom mean. Maybe I need to make a SRS deck for how to read FCD stats!

If it was me (and I know it's not), I'd hide the card stats in the "card" popup (bottom center icon), and move the "(i)" / "Study Options" onto the "cards" screen (bottom right icon) somehow, and get rid of the stats, and probably the deck name too. When I'm reviewing cards, all I need are the "Decks" back-button, the "card" popup (to do something with this card), and the "cards" screen (to do something with this whole deck). Everything else is just noise.

But that's just my .02c. I could be wrong. :-)

Re: Option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count?

Post by norbert » Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:58 am

I agree on the settings thing. I haven't visited the settings in ages. Only when I add new decks (which is quite regularly done) I jump into the settings once to change the drawing mode and the size. Anything else I don't look at it anymore.

So I agree that it is no really so important. The idea of simple settings for beginners is a very good idea, and the rest can remain like it. More time to be spent on more important things.

Re: Option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count?

Post by doogooroo » Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:19 am

Thanks Ernie and Norbert for replying.

As you can see from Norbert's reply, some people are attached to lots of stats so my suggestion was to make this an option only - not across the board.

Understand your concern (and the irony!) about cluttering up the settings too. I suppose the only thing I'd say to that is, once people get it working the way they like, they probably won't have much cause to dive into the settings too much so maybe it wouldn't be such a biggie?

Thanks again for responding.



Re: Option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count?

Post by norbert » Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:02 pm

Hm, I actually would prefer to see more information, like due/new/total/decks, but maybe the text can be removed and only the numbers remain, like 348/70/2489/66 meaning: 348 cards due, 70 new, 2489 total, 66 decks.

Re: Option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count?

Post by Ernie » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:14 am

Hi Dougal,

I understand getting overwhelmed with visual clutter. Hmm, I'll make a note of it and consider this. My main concern is just having too many obscure options cluttering up the setting screen. Ha. Thanks for the input. I'll see...


Option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count?

Post by doogooroo » Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:08 pm

Hi Ernie,

I was wondering if you could include an option to turn OFF the items due count / deck count.

Personally I'm just interested in whether the folder is highlighted in yellow or not. All the extra stats I find visually a bit overwhelming and the make me tend to procrastinate more.


