Next review button - more intervals and direct access

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Re: Next review button - more intervals and direct access

Post by Prof.Dr.Bingo » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:33 am

Thanks for the positive answer.
Have a nice day

Re: Next review button - more intervals and direct access

Post by Ernie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:53 pm

It should work the way you want. Next review dominates. In other words, when setting the next review, the max interval is ignored.

But when the card comes due again, a correct response will bind it to the max interval, reducing the interval in our case. That is what you'd expect, I suppose.

Re: Next review button - more intervals and direct access

Post by Prof.Dr.Bingo » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:47 pm

Hi Ernie,

"next review" vs. "max. interval" which is the final instance deciding about the repetition interval?

I personally would prefer that the intentionally decided "next review" overwrites (dominates) all other settings and algorythms in the background. To me it would not make much sense when a general setting overwrites my deliberated momentary intentions.

But I understood your hint in your P.S. that the "max. interval" in the setting overwrites the "next review" when the intended "next review" is beyond the "max. interval".

Thank you in advance for a short answer...
Kindest regards

Re: Next review button - more intervals and direct access

Post by Ernie » Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:29 pm

Hey Dr. Bingo,

Adding more options to Next Review is easy. I have limited options (a short list) because I didn't want any scrolling on the iPhone (which it actually does now after one of the iOS updates).

One option I want to offer eventually is to have a dedicated "next review" button you can put at the bottom. If it opened up quicker also (at least on iPhone), that would be nice. Your idea about the list staying open in interesting... I assume you have an iPad... oh yeah you said so.

Let me see how I want to handle this. Thanks for the feedback.


P.S. Yes, the max interval setting should not be used when using the next review feature. I'm not 100% sure it works in the current app store version, but the upcoming one will work correctly (I just went over this logic last week).

Next review button - more intervals and direct access

Post by Prof.Dr.Bingo » Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:43 pm

Hi Ernie,

I use your great app on my iPad every day since more than a year. And of course I love it.

Could it be possible to get a "next review" button in the future that offers a wider range of intervals to at least one year?

This interval selector must of course dominate the chosen maximum interval of the spaced repetition setting.

It would be perfect, if this "next review" button could activate (as a user option) a group of interval buttons on the right side (or at the bottom) of the screen - visible permanently. So the access to these buttons would be very fast and straightforward.

The reason for this request: In my daily learnings I notice more and more that I use your current "next review" button many times to control the repetition intervals. Each time when I use the current button I feel it a bit too laborious to come to that point and I miss a wider and more detailed range of intervals - an exponential sequence like +1, +2, +4, +8 ... +256, + 512.

Maybe you can integrate that request in your roadmap. I think other users might value that extension too.

Best regards and good luck.
