Question on number of sides

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Re: Question on number of sides

Post by Ernie » Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:05 am

First, if you enter more than 3 sides, make sure you use my new upload format, which has the column headers: Text 1, Text 2, Text 3, etc.

It's ok to have cards with different side counts. If a card has 2 sides, only 2 will show, even if there is another card in the same deck with 4 sides.


Question on number of sides

Post by dayne » Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:58 am


First I just wanted to say I've only had this program a month and it's already become one of my most used applications!

Excuse me if this was asked before, although I just wanted to know what happens when you create your card sets in Excel and some cards have more sides than others? While I was creating a card set in Excel, I was initially planning for all my cards in the deck to have 2 sides. As I wanted to add a card with 4 sides, I then created a 2 new columns in Excel and started entering the information. A question then struck - what happens to the cards that only have two sides used, and two 'blank slides'? Does the application show the blank sides, or does it notice these sides are blank and automatically not show them?

Thanks for your help!

