Error: Cannot download from Quizlet

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Re: Error: Cannot download from Quizlet

Post by Kindall Marie » Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:45 pm

Sorry, I typed it in wrong. It is KindallMarie.
And now it works! Hooray for far too easy solutions!
Thank you so much!

Re: Error: Cannot download from Quizlet

Post by Ernie » Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:29 pm

Ah, that might be your problem. Quizlet user names don't have spaces in them, I don't think. Log into Quizlet and look for your username at the top right of the screen. My guess is you are typing it in wrong.

I'm not sure if you are confusing this with the user name for my own "shared library".

Re: Error: Cannot download from Quizlet

Post by Kindall Marie » Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:55 pm

Kindall Marie

Re: Error: Cannot download from Quizlet

Post by Ernie » Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:20 pm

If you want, post/email/PM me your quizlet user name (not your password) and I can try it on my end. I haven't heard of this before.

Re: Error: Cannot download from Quizlet

Post by Kindall Marie » Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:03 pm

Hi Ernie,

Yes, downloading from the "Shared Library" works.
The weird thing is, I can also download from Quizlet as long as I'm not trying to download "my sets". Weird. I can also do a search for my username in Quizlet, and my sets come up. It is just when trying to use the easiest way to download my own sets that it doesn't work.

Oh well, at least I can get them.
Thanks for your time.


Re: Error: Cannot download from Quizlet

Post by Ernie » Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:42 pm

Hi Kindall,

I don't know. First, I'd try downloading a deck from the "Shared Library". When you tap "Featured", it will go to the internet and get a list of decks to download... does this come up? I'm trying to see if a non-quizlet web search works.

In the Quizlet area, if you hit search and search for something, does anything come up?

Maybe turn on/off your router and your iTouch. Sometimes these network probablems seem to fix themselves after some time. I'm sorry, I just don't have any probable explanations. I don't know if anything wrong in the app, though that message is my pretty generic message for any internet error that arises.

Let me know if you anything starts working for you.


Error: Cannot download from Quizlet

Post by Kindall Marie » Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:11 pm

I recently upgraded to a newer iTouch and have been re-downloading all my previous apps. I was getting great use out of Flashcard Deluxe for my graduate school work.

The problem I am encountering currently in the app is when I try to "add a deck" from A message appears that says, "Internet Error: Please check that you are connected to the internet either through your cellular network (iPhone) or wi-fi."
The thing is, I am connected through wi-fi. I am surfing the net and receiving email on my iTouch. It is only when I try to get my decks that this error appears. I have tried deleting the app, then downloading it again. I have also tried disconnecting from my wi-fi and reconnecting. Neither of these is working. It does appear to be an error within the app (I think).

Is there anything you can suggest?

Thanks for your time.

