California Bar Exam and Beyond!

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Re: California Bar Exam and Beyond!

Post by Ernie » Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:49 pm

Hi Mary,

I've never thought about what you are describing and not sure how to answer. The app supports one picture on a side, but you can zoom in on a picture if a large chart gets too small on one screen.

For each of the lowest level leaves/nodes, you can create card with the detail, but you need to be able to see it in relationship to the whole grid somehow, either though a picture or text description. I'm not sure what I can do to help. All I can think of is start top and go down. First card... what are the 5 main sections of the chart. Then a card for each 5 main sections. For main setion 1, what are the detail sections, then a card for each detail section, and so forth. Each card needs a description of it's place in the whole grid. I guess just get creative. Sorry, I'm not sure.


California Bar Exam and Beyond!

Post by Mary » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:44 pm

Found your app and used it a little during law school finals only on my iPhone, but just today took the time to find WOW, you might just get me through the CA bar exam! Starting to make my own study set today. REALLY helpful with voice so I can practice my most often missed spellings while I'm waiting to pick up my kids from school - and then I can hand my phone to the back seat and have them practice math facts!!! I have all my subjects color coded, so I'll be trying that feature too.

do you have any ideas on how best to incorrporate charts or sections of large charts - like an org chart or sports playoffs style charts? I could take a photo with my iphone, but would rather have it generate the right visual structure from a, criminal homicide - leads to several elements including malice - malice has 4 prongs including intent to kill with premeditation and deliberation - then make a 3 sided card with the common law description here, and then a side with its statutory counterpart of first degree murder. being able to see the grid will really help enforce the memorization of the elements, but also the classification and levels so necessary to giving the necessary analysis in essays on the California bar exam.

thank you
