2 questions

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Re: 2 questions

Post by Ernie » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:22 am

Hi Steve,

I programmed it so that the first column must be Text 1-5, Sound 1-5 or Picture 1-5. I should either document this better or remove the restriction. Sorry about that.

As for category at the bottom, no, but it's on my to-do list and I should get this done, hopefully soon.


2 questions

Post by steve » Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:07 am

hi ernie!

i love your program!

two questions:
- when i had my excel file set to Category 1 Category 2 Text 1 Text 2 Picture 2, the upload format did not work. However, when I switched the order of columns to Text 1 Text 2 Picture 2 Category 1 Category 2, it worked fine. any thoughts why?

- is there a way to display the category at the bottom? i think this would be very helpful, as i would not have to add additional detail to the card if i knew what category i was in.


