Easier write controls

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Re: Easier write controls

Post by Ishimori » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:34 am

Sweet cheers man ^^

Re: Easier write controls

Post by Ernie » Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:46 am

Thanks for the feedback. I have some of these ideas on my to-do list, which I haven't gotten to yet. Others have mentioned similar things, and I should try to bump this up a bit.

Easier write controls

Post by Ishimori » Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:01 am

When writing or drawing your answer, it would be nice to have a more defined box to write in, the shades are too similar for me, a control section on the right to 'select colour/shade' and 'toggle transparency' would ensure all current functionality remains while defining the box better. A 'clear' button would be pretty useful as well, I'm dyspraxic (clinically clumsy) and double tapping in such a small area to clear the write pad is surprisingly difficult for me...

A quicker fix may be to widen the area to double tap.
