Radomized card order problem

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Re: Radomized card order problem

Post by jojo » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:21 pm

Thanks, Ernie.

That's all I needed to know.

I was actually planning to go out and spend a few dollars on a pack of index cards, but this app does the job. And the app probably is cheaper than the actual index cards. :-)

Also, I didn't have to write my students' names on each index card. The app let me just export the names from an Excel file of my class roll.


Re: Radomized card order problem

Post by Ernie » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:27 am

Hi Jojo,

The cards will re-shuffle themselves when you get to the end, and tap past the summary screen.
I don't have a quick button to re-shuffle in the middle, but one way is to tap the gear icon to view Deck Options, tap Card Order, tap Ordered then back to Random, and go back. Changing the card order back and forth will force a deck restart when returning to study screen.


Radomized card order problem

Post by jojo » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:13 am

I'm a teacher, and I plan to use the flash cards to help me track the order I call students in my class.

Typically, I want to call students at random, but I noticed that every time I open a deck, the "random" sequence is the same as the last time the deck was opened. Is there a simple way to force the deck to shuffle so that if I use it the next day the card sequence will be different?

Otherwise, this app is a real time saver for me.

