App review

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Topic review

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Re: App review

Post by Ernie » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:38 pm

Hi Jonathan,

Wow, thanks for the review! Looks great.

There is a typo:
Notecards Deluxe Lite has all the features and no ads, but you’re limited to...
"Notecards" should be "Flashcards"

I'll check back sometime to see if you have any reviews of other flashcard apps. I'm always interested in what things people like better about other flashcard apps.

Take it easy,

App review

Post by jonathan » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:21 pm

Hey Ernie,

Love the app, I've been through a lot of different ones and yours is the one I've stuck with.

I started a blog at and thought a review of your app would be some good initial content. I was hoping you'd check out the post and comment if I said anything misleading or false.


