<br> tag doesn't apply when backing up decks to gdocs.

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Re: <br> tag doesn't apply when backing up decks to gdocs.

Post by Ernie » Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:12 am

Google made a change very recently and screwed this up for me. I actually am changing my code right now for this. This fix will be in the next update, which will hopefully be out around Aug 12, unless some problem arises.

<br> tag doesn't apply when backing up decks to gdocs.

Post by SeoulRain » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:53 pm

When downloading decks from Google Docs with br tags or pipe characters inside,
it works well


uploading or backing up the decks to Gdocs in turn
every <br> tags or pipe chracters are just muddled up..

seems like the first <br> or pipe chracter makes the following texts move to the next line, not breaking line within the cell.
