Please add a button of "copy to clipboard".

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Expand view Topic review: Please add a button of "copy to clipboard".

Re: Please add a button of "copy to clipboard".

Post by Ernie_ » Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:51 pm

There is currently an option to copy each side to the clipboard automatically as you flip the cards. Main Options > Other > Copy to Pasteboard. I'm considering an option to copy all sides of the card with a command button.

Please add a button of "copy to clipboard".

Post by block63 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:53 pm

Thanks for your excellent app...

Please add a button of "copy to clipboard".

Some of dictionary(ex: Pleco) has a function of showing the content of clipboard at on-start or on-switch.

Your Flashcards Deluxe also has edit mode to indivisual card, so user can copy to send the content to the clipboard, but it's not convenient.

It would be better if Flashcards Deluxe has a function to sending the entire contents of a card of front or back that are showing now to the clipboard directly.

thank you for you attention

