Auto statistics sets

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Re: Auto statistics sets

Post by Ernie » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:18 am

Assume you use alternate side and currently it's set to show side 1 next. But side 1 is not scheduled to be shown soon (you know it well), but for side 2, the card is due now. Does the app wait until side 1 is ready to be shown and then tested before side 2 is shown next (even though you just got side 2 wrong and is due now)? It's not making sense to me.

I think you know how to manually change the statistic set to match the show side first setting. Your issue is wanting to use "Alternate" with an auto stat switch. I don't have any plans to support this from what I can currently see.

Re: Auto statistics sets

Post by Contactnathan » Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:59 pm

I guess what I am looking for is a quick and easy way to treat one card as 2 (or more if you had more sides). You can of course duplicate the cards just for the purpose of keeping different stats with each side but this is messy, especially when you have corrections and changes to make.

It would be good to have the option of auto changing the new sets to match the side being asked if you use alternate mode. An 'also alternate stat sets' toggle if you select alternate sides perhaps?

If the code can alternate the next side to ask then would it take much for it to also alternate the stat set of that card? Or a toggle to 'use stat set of each side' which will always link the stat sets with each side, thus treating in effect as 2 cards. As you say this has a chance of both side scheduled for the same time, but then don't all cards have this risk? Can you not apply the same rule that protects against this? Or tell the system to always give side one priority in a case like that?

I hope I made sense?

Re: Auto statistics sets

Post by Ernie » Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:34 pm

I purposely choose not to tie the statistic direction with the show side first setting. 1) I wanted it more flexible and 2) I want the user to see what is going on (make sure they really want to create new statistics when they reverse the card). I felt these reasons were more important than saving the user one extra step to manually change it.

As for "Alternate" side, this is a valid point, but implementing this is complicated and probably not something I want to do. I don't think spaced repetition makes any sense with alternate and different statistics for each side. As for Short Term Goal, I'm not sure (I'd have to think about it more), but it's possible that both sides would be due at the same time which my app won't handle.

Auto statistics sets

Post by Contactnathan » Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:43 pm

I have been looking at the new statistic set options and realised that this currently manual selection tool would be very useful and simple if given an auto mode in which each side has it's own statistic set associated by default ( side 1 uses statistic set 1, side 2 uses statistic set 2) and is used to determine when that side should be tested.

This would be especially useful when using the 'alternate' mode of the 'which side you show first' option. In effect a single card would be treated as two or more independent cards by the program making it very easy to focus on problems in learning a language etc. Where for example knowing the Italian from an English prompt word is more difficult than knowing the English for an Italian prompt word. On another example the reverse may be true.

Now that you have the different statistic sets built into the system I hope such an auto option would be semi easy to implement.

