by outpostomega5 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:24 am
I've been using you Flashcards Deluxe app for about two weeks now and I have to say it's great.
So far, I've been using it to study Spanish with side 1 being the Spanish word and side 2 being the English word. Eventually, I'm going to be studying in the other directions, English to Spanish, and I'm pretty sure you included a setting to do that. Even if you didn't it won't be that hard to make a modified copy of my spread sheet to accomplish the task. I do for see some problems though when I do start studying the other way.
Let's say I have the following three flashcards
el carro --> car
el auto --> car
el coche --> car
(This how my textbook lists them, and therefor what i will need to know for the test, even if there are better translations.)
Now going Spanish to English, this does not pose a problem, because I have three distinct "Side One"s. But when I flip it around, I'm going to have the same "Side One" for three different cards.
It would be nice if the program would merge those three cards into one automatically making side one list "car" and side two list all three options. I've already done this manually, by making only one flash card to begin with that has all three Spanish phrases on one side, and just "car" on the other, but it would be nice if the program could spot these types of instances on it's own.
One more thing just for your information. This is NOT a complaint, just letting you know so you can do something about it or not, assuming it's something that can be fixed on your side in the first place.
I just bought Apple's iWork office sweet for my iPad, and moved my spreadsheet on to it. When I then tried to copy and paste it into your website, it didn't quite work as planned.
Let's say I have a flash card with one line on "side one" and two lines on "side two" when copied from iWorks and run through your website, I end up with two flash cards, the first has the "side one" text and the first line of "side 2"
The second card has a blank "side 1" and the second line of "side 2".
Other wise, keep up the good work.
P.S.: If you want, I can send you my spread sheet in any of the following forms if you would like it to help debug the problem, assuming it is something you can do and does not need to be fixed on the iWorks side.
MS Excel
iWorks iPad version (not sure about sending this version)
iWorks full computer version
I've been using you Flashcards Deluxe app for about two weeks now and I have to say it's great.
So far, I've been using it to study Spanish with side 1 being the Spanish word and side 2 being the English word. Eventually, I'm going to be studying in the other directions, English to Spanish, and I'm pretty sure you included a setting to do that. Even if you didn't it won't be that hard to make a modified copy of my spread sheet to accomplish the task. I do for see some problems though when I do start studying the other way.
Let's say I have the following three flashcards
el carro --> car
el auto --> car
el coche --> car
(This how my textbook lists them, and therefor what i will need to know for the test, even if there are better translations.)
Now going Spanish to English, this does not pose a problem, because I have three distinct "Side One"s. But when I flip it around, I'm going to have the same "Side One" for three different cards.
It would be nice if the program would merge those three cards into one automatically making side one list "car" and side two list all three options. I've already done this manually, by making only one flash card to begin with that has all three Spanish phrases on one side, and just "car" on the other, but it would be nice if the program could spot these types of instances on it's own.
One more thing just for your information. This is NOT a complaint, just letting you know so you can do something about it or not, assuming it's something that can be fixed on your side in the first place.
I just bought Apple's iWork office sweet for my iPad, and moved my spreadsheet on to it. When I then tried to copy and paste it into your website, it didn't quite work as planned.
Let's say I have a flash card with one line on "side one" and two lines on "side two" when copied from iWorks and run through your website, I end up with two flash cards, the first has the "side one" text and the first line of "side 2"
The second card has a blank "side 1" and the second line of "side 2".
Other wise, keep up the good work.
P.S.: If you want, I can send you my spread sheet in any of the following forms if you would like it to help debug the problem, assuming it is something you can do and does not need to be fixed on the iWorks side.
MS Excel
iWorks iPad version (not sure about sending this version)
iWorks full computer version