Non-Roman Unicode characters showing as squares

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Re: Non-Roman Unicode characters showing as squares

Post by librarygary » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:31 am

Thanks Ernie. I can use the app for Biblical Hebrew too.


Re: Non-Roman Unicode characters showing as squares

Post by Ernie » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:13 am

Yeah, sorry to hear that. I'm not sure why their fonts are not "full featured".

FYI, if this was your only purpose for getting the flashcard app, you might be able to get a refund from Apple by doing the "report a problem" process in iTunes for my app and explaining the issue. Not sure though.

Re: Non-Roman Unicode characters showing as squares

Post by librarygary » Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:38 am


No luck. Emailed message containing pasted text from Excel also show up as squares. Sigh!


Re: Non-Roman Unicode characters showing as squares

Post by Ernie » Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:22 am

Hi LibraryGary,

It's very possible that Apple's iOS fonts just doesn't support these characters. (They don't support as many as Window's unicode fonts.)

You might try sending the text in an email to your device to see if you have more luck. (Do you have email set up on your iPad?) If it works, email me some text and I'll look into it. If it doesn't show up in Apple's email, it's probably just a device limitation.


Non-Roman Unicode characters showing as squares

Post by librarygary » Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:05 am

Greetings. I'm new to the forum and Flashcards Deluxe. I am trying to create decks to study Assyrian cuneiform. I am using the TrueType font called Assurbanipal. I created a small deck of Assyian vowel syllables in Excel to test the upload and download feature from your website. The upload to the site and download to my iPad worked just fine. However, the Assyrian characters in the deck are showing-up as squares. Your FAQ indicates that Unicode is supported. I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone assist? Thanks!


