Pictures on side 2

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Re: Pictures on side 2

Post by Ernie » Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:30 am

Hi Greywolf,

If you want pictures on both sides, then you will need an additional <pic> tag for that side. For example:

optional text<pic side1.jpg> . . . optional text<pic side 2.jpg>

When you upload your pictures, you should see both of these pictures defined and waiting for upload. If you want the picture just on side 2, then put your <pic> section in column 2 (side 2) instead of 1. It IS possible to show the picture on side 2, even though you uploaded the deck with the picture on side 1... you can use the Card Layout functionality is Study Options to map any item to any side. This is tricky though and for advanced users. Does this help?

Pictures on side 2

Post by Greywolf » Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:00 am

Hi Ernie,

Your program works great and I have figured most of it out, however I cannot get the pictures to show on side two. In my spreadsheet data I followed your examples and my pics show on side one perfectly. Do I need to place a <pic> tag in the side two column also if I want the option of choosing which side my pictures are displayed on?

Thanks for your help!

