Deck for each unite?

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Re: Deck for each unite?

Post by norbert » Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:34 am

Just a different point: I like smaller decks, well, decks based on units. I have one deck per each chapter of the books I am learning, and use combination decks heavily. That works out quite nicely, but is, as mentioned by Ernie, a bit a pain when it comes down to backups (but that will change).

So I guess it is up to you to try out what works best.

Re: Deck for each unite?

Post by Guest » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:09 am

Thanks a lot for your answer!

Re: Deck for each unite?

Post by Ernie » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:46 am

I don't think there is a clear winner; it's probably more just up to personal preference. My preference is larger / fewer decks for ease of maintenance - backup/restores are easier with few decks. In the future, I'll have better backup/restore capability so this won't be as much as an issue. Use can use combination decks with either approach. If you have lots of decks, use a combination deck to study them all together as a single unit. If you use larger decks, in the upcoming version (hopefully any day now), you can use a combination deck to represent just a single category in a larger deck (e.g. Combo deck called "Ch 1", and another called "Ch 2", etc, all pointing to a larger master deck). Some people might find adding new material to a brand new deck nice since they don't have to touch the older decks (an argument for more smaller decks). I update a single large deck and transfer the whole thing at once for my updates. I would recommend creating larger/fewer decks, unless you find the other way makes more sense to you. I don't think there is a wrong answer.

Deck for each unite?

Post by morgenrot » Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:38 am

Hi everybody!

I'm learning with Leitner / spaced method. Is it better to have one deck with vocabulary from all units or create a new deck for each topic of vocabulary. In general it should be better with a big deck ordered with categorys?

Hope you can give me a hint for better organizing and learning.

Best regards

