How many flash cards can you have?

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Re: How many flash cards can you have?

Post by Ernie » Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:47 pm

Hi Guest. Currently the app may crash after about 15,000 cards in a single deck. Other than that, the limit is really just dependent on performance. On an older 3G phone, the app will start running a bit slow after about 5,000 cards in a single deck.

As Norbert eluded to, there is a new version coming out soon which will better support more cards. I have a 100,000 Chinese dictionary that loads pretty quickly on my iPhone 4.

Re: How many flash cards can you have?

Post by norbert » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:27 am

Of course not! How can any program support more flash cards as there are quarks in the univers? And even that is far from unlimited.

For practical purposes several tens of thousands should be supported by the coming upgrade.

How many flash cards can you have?

Post by Guest » Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:25 am

Does this app support an unlimited number of flash cards? Just wondering.
