by Ernie » Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:25 am
My webserver should upload .caf files. I think you want to create flashcards on your iPad with these sounds back in Flashcards Deluxe, right? So you have the sound files on your PC. Do you have the text export/backup also? The text will look something like this:
<snd _s1.caf> <snd _s2.caf>
This is a two sided card with sound on the front and back. First you upload the text file (flashcard definitions) to my upload page. Then click the "Upload Pictures/Sounds". You should see a list of sounds that were defined in the text file along the left (not uploaded yet). Zip up all the caf files and upload, and they should all move to the right side (uploaded). At this point, you are ready to download from your iPad.
As for converting caf files, I'm not sure. Some people said they use the program Audacity. It's a nice free Audio editor program which I have, but I just tried it and Audiacity wan't able to read my caf file. Not sure why it works for some people but not for me. I need to look into the posiblity of saving as a different file type in my app. Anyway, you should be able to import these back into Flashcards Deluxe using my server. If you have trouble with this, let me know where you have trouble. In this case, sending me the text file you are using will probably help.
My webserver should upload .caf files. I think you want to create flashcards on your iPad with these sounds back in Flashcards Deluxe, right? So you have the sound files on your PC. Do you have the text export/backup also? The text will look something like this:
<snd _s1.caf> <snd _s2.caf>
This is a two sided card with sound on the front and back. First you upload the text file (flashcard definitions) to my upload page. Then click the "Upload Pictures/Sounds". You should see a list of sounds that were defined in the text file along the left (not uploaded yet). Zip up all the caf files and upload, and they should all move to the right side (uploaded). At this point, you are ready to download from your iPad.
As for converting caf files, I'm not sure. Some people said they use the program Audacity. It's a nice free Audio editor program which I have, but I just tried it and Audiacity wan't able to read my caf file. Not sure why it works for some people but not for me. I need to look into the posiblity of saving as a different file type in my app. Anyway, you should be able to import these back into Flashcards Deluxe using my server. If you have trouble with this, let me know where you have trouble. In this case, sending me the text file you are using will probably help.