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Re: Twitter

Post by Ernie » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:15 pm

Ha, yeah I don't know to use twitter. Your suggestion is a good one, though every post of mine would need an external link.

Now that I have a forum blog that supports an RSS feed, I don't see a need for me to use twitter. So, no plans to try it again, but thanks for the info.


Post by salutis » Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:09 am

Hi there!

I've checked the FCD Twitter account and OMG, you were trying to use it as it was an RSS feed. :) When tweeting, one short sentence plus URL is totally enough. Here's one I've tweeted (twote?) today:

Flashcards Deluxe 2.9.5 is waiting for Apple's approval. For release notes check: <LINK>

Here's an idea: If you put a lot of effort to write a long post with release notes, maybe it would be a good idea to publish that one sentence on Twitter too. :)
