How do I add photos in text edit?

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Re: How do I add photos in text edit?

Post by Ernie » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:42 pm

Entering flashcards with a text editor is not ideal because the "columns" don't line up neatly, but it still works.
If adding pictures, you need column headers, such as "Text 1" and "Picture 2". Do you have those? The picture file name goes in the Picture "column".
Make your TextEdit screen full screen to give yourself as much room as possible (horizontally) so hopefully the text does not wrap for a single line. Even if it does, this is not a problem. It's just a display nuisance (making it hard to see what the formatting really is), but the data is still valid and should work. As long as you type your line as something like text 1 {tab} text 2 {tab} picture 2 {return}... you should be fine.

If you have a spreadsheet, you might want to use that instead.

If you have created some flashcard text in TextEdit and it doesn't seem to be working when you transfer through my website, email me the text and I'll check it out.


How do I add photos in text edit?

Post by Dameon.Grey » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:18 am

Hi Ernie, I'm trying to attach so ASL photos to my flash cards, but I can't stay on one line when I hit tab, it moves down to the next line as if I've hit enter (which I didn't). Thanks for taking the trouble. :)
