Can I "Reset" A Deck?

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Re: Can I "Reset" A Deck?

Post by Ernie » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:14 pm

I don't have a command to go back to card one, but there is a way. When studying, tap the gear icon in top right to go to Deck Options, tap "Card Order", and tap "Random" then tap "Ordered" right away. Go back to study screen. This change will reset the deck.

To filter cards for studying, you can either assign categories to cards or flag cards. Once you do one of these things, you can go to Deck Options and choose Cards to Study to filter on either a category or show just flagged cards. To assign cards a category, go to card listing, tap View, Category 1 to add categories. To assign categories to multiple cards at once, tap "Mode", Multi-Select, select the cards, Mode, Set Category 1. You can also use this Mode button to set the Flag for your selected cards. Let me know if you any more questions on this.

Can I "Reset" A Deck?

Post by Jon Du Quesne » Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:05 pm

Ernie, thanks for the wonderful app. I'm using it to learn and enhance some of the Harry Lorayne memory techniques. I have a few decks of more than 100 cards each. Is there any way, while I am studying a deck, to "reset" it? In other words, if I am studying the cards in order, and I have reached card 50 (of 100), what can I do to start back at card number 1?

Alternately, is there a way that I can instruct FD to show me only a sub-set of a deck at a time until I change it?


