by Ernie » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:02 am
In my FAQ, I show how to move a deck from one device to another... without Dropbox, but using my website as a transfer point:
How do I transfer my deck from one device to another?
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2#p18You want to use Dropbox? Do you have flashcards in the app already? If so, export to Dropbox. In the app tap, "Edit", the deck, Export, and change Export To to Dropbox...
After you export to Dropbox, you can import from another device by tapping +, Dropbox...
If you don't have your flashcards on your device and want to transfer from your computer to your device through dropbox, and assuming your flashcards are in Excel, then from Excel save as "Unicode" format (.txt), move this text file into your Dropbox/Flashcards Deluxe/ folder, and you should see it when you add a deck from Dropbox (+, Dropbox).
Let me know where I need to be more detailed in my help if it's not clear.
In my FAQ, I show how to move a deck from one device to another... without Dropbox, but using my website as a transfer point:
How do I transfer my deck from one device to another?
You want to use Dropbox? Do you have flashcards in the app already? If so, export to Dropbox. In the app tap, "Edit", the deck, Export, and change Export To to Dropbox...
After you export to Dropbox, you can import from another device by tapping +, Dropbox...
If you don't have your flashcards on your device and want to transfer from your computer to your device through dropbox, and assuming your flashcards are in Excel, then from Excel save as "Unicode" format (.txt), move this text file into your Dropbox/Flashcards Deluxe/ folder, and you should see it when you add a deck from Dropbox (+, Dropbox).
Let me know where I need to be more detailed in my help if it's not clear.