Problem with updating cards (all pictures)

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:D :) ;) :( :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek:
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Re: Problem with updating cards (all pictures)

Post by Ernie » Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:39 pm

Hi Stephen,

Sorry for the trouble. Hmmm, I'm not really sure. I just tried a test myself and it worked ok.

My first thought would be... the question it asks is "Keep existing pictures to speed up download" and the default is "Yes" on the right. Is it possible you kept answering "Yes", thinking the question was "replace media"?

If this happens again, here is what I'd recommend...
1) Download your deck as a brand new deck and see how it looks. If it looks ok, you know the pictures on the server are ok.
2) Try updating your deck and answer "No" to keep existing pictures. If your picture is not updated, let me know and don't change anything on the server and we can take it from there.


Problem with updating cards (all pictures)

Post by Stephen Dilinj » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:29 pm

Ran into a problem when I noticed one of my flashcards had incorrect info. I updated the card, uploaded the text and media through the upload page. Went into the App on iphone and had it download and replace the media and Found that the card still had the old picture. Went through and deleted my media off the web page and attempted it again, used all the same info for deck code and had the App replace all media but the card was still the old picture. Deleted my card set off my phone and uploaded text with stats then the media and downloaded them back to the App. This time they were all the correct pictures.
Uploaded text through the upload page.
Had pictures zipped up and uploaded through the media page.
Only worked once I deleted the group off my phone even when telling the app to replace the media.


