Total reviews done

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Re: Total reviews done

Post by edoreld » Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:25 am

I had no idea you could export cards with statistics. Neat!

I figured out a way to look up the total number of reviews of all cards at the same time.

1. Export all decks at the same time and send them to your e-mail.

2. Put them all in one folder and run this command on the terminal cat * > all.txt on that folder.

3. Open the file "all.txt" in an excel-like program (I use LibreOffice). Make it so that commas are recognized as a field separating value.

4. Figure out which field is the number of reviews and make a total sum.

I finally know I've done 27000 reviews! (rounded up).

Maybe this info will be helpful to someone ^_^.

Re: Total reviews done

Post by Ernie » Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:45 am

If you go to the card edit screen, tap "Statistics" and you'll see the number of reviews for that particular card. If you want to see reviews for all cards in a more efficient manner, you can export your deck (with statistics) to email, copy-paste to Excel and look at the Statistics column to see the review count. To learn how to interpret the string of values, go to and look at the very last item on the page which has info on this.

Total reviews done

Post by edoreld » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:16 am


I have been looking around, but I haven't found a way to look up the total of number of reviews done. Is this possible?

